Tim Costley - March Update

We're well into the year now, and in Parliament we've finished our first 100 days, and have completed all 49 items on our 100 Day Plan. I'm really proud of this; it is really important work. You can read all about it here. 

In this update...

  • Community events
  • Pop-up clinics
  • Local transport improvements
  • Upcoming public events

Community Events

I've loved our community events over summer. In Parliament recently I listed some of them, and thanked the amazing people in our community who organise and run them, most of whom are volunteers. You can watch the video below, but to everyone who has made our summer a little brighter: thank you. 

In particular, over the last month I've really enjoyed events like the Ōtaki Kite Festival, Fale Pasifika in Levin, the North Island Spear Fishing Champs (raising money for Mary Potter Hospice), the Medieval Market, Nga Manu 50th, and Chinese Lunar New Year. I was gutted the movies in the park in Waikanae got postponed due weather, but I'm still super excited about taking the kids along this weekend.

On Friday, I was fortunate to visit Kāpiti Island with our Minister of Conservation and Minister of Maori-Crown relations, Tama Potaka. We were accompanied by Iwi leaders and the Department of Conversation. It was incredible to see the land, hear the birds, learn more of the story, and to speak with those who live and work there. Thanks to all who made this possible, and to John and the team from Kapiti Island Nature Tours.

Pop-up Clinics

One initiative I've started locally is running 'Pop-up Clinics' all across our region. I'm running these in Foxton, Levin, Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu. To me, it's really important to be present in our community, and I don't believe that people should have to travel to come and see me in an office; I want to be available closer to your homes and your work.

The next two are:

  • Friday March 15th, 1.30pm, Relish Cafe Waikanae
  • Monday March 25th, 9am, Riverstone Cafe Ōtaki

Local Transport Improvements

We're committed to building Ō2NL - the new expressway to Levin. You can hear directly from our Minister of Transport, Simeon Brown, below.

We're also committed to upgrading train services by funding the Rail Network Investment Plan, upgrading rail network substations, and replacing rolling stock for the Capital Connection. I look forward to seeing the start of construction on Ō2NL as the next key event in our regional upgrade.

I know there is a lot of frustration over some of the current works with residual decisions made by Labour, including centre-line rope barriers between Foxton and Levin, some of the turn-around bays that have been put in between Ōtaki and Levin, and the disruption caused by the Waikanae Bridge works. I'm working hard to fight for improvements however difficult it seems to stop the momentum we're up against. I spoke with NZTA again yesterday and have been assured we will have two-way traffic over the Waikanae bridge again sooner than expected. I'll keep working on this issue for you.

Upcoming Public Events

Please join me, and visiting MPs, at these upcoming events.

Seniors' Morning Tea

I'm holding a special morning tea for seniors (over 60s) with my good friend and colleague Dan Bidois, MP for Northcote. Dan is in his second term as MP and has a lot to share, and I'll take questions on anything local. Please join us.

  • Friday March 22nd
  • 10.30am
  • Manakau Community Hall
  • $10 (to cover costs).

You do need to RSVP for catering please. Email Lorraine if you'd like to join us - I really hope you can.


Stay tuned for details about visits by Andrew Bailey, Minister for Small Business, and Tom Rutherford, MP for Bay of Plenty.

And for our local members, remember our AGM next Monday evening with special guest Greg Fleming, MP for Maungakiekie.

Best wishes in the lead-up to Easter,

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