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I hope you've had a fantastic summer and enjoyed some time with family and friends during the Christmas period. This is my first update for 2024 and I'll send out regular updates throughout the year. If anyone you know wants to sign up for these, they can do that at this link (scroll to the bottom of the page).
In this update...
- Waikanae Bridge Closure
- Waitangi Day
- The 100 Day Plan
- Upcoming Ōtaki Golf Day
- A special March Over 60s morning tea with me!
Summer Events
Before I get to the bridge, I've loved our local community events this summer. The Horowhenua AP&I show was a highlight, hosting the Royal Show for the first time ever. I've been to Chinese New Year celebrations in Paraparaumu and Levin, The Waikanae Garden Trail, the Levin Medieval Market, I spent a day with Ngati Raukawa in Foxton, I joined the Muaūpokotanga day in Levin, and have visited many businesses and community groups. I've met with lots of agencies locally (from DOC to MSD) and I also visited Air NZ and Rocket Lab as part of my Parliamentary work supporting aviation and space industries in NZ.
Waikanae Bridge
This is quite literally driving our community mad. In November 2021, under the Labour government, a contract was signed and locked in to close the bridge to southbound traffic for around five months to do this work. I don't think anyone was told at the time, and the public consultation was (I've been told) done in 2017! This is a very frustrating outcome and not what we are after. Our National Minister has stepped in and done what he legally can, but we are not able to force the contractor to change their traffic management plan now the contract is signed (back in 2021) and also signed off in part by KCDC.
I haven't given up:
- I've written to the Chief Executive of NZTA outlining my concerns. I've written a joint letter with the Mayor to add her support to it. We all want to see change.
- I've met with contractors at the bridge to learn more about the works and traffic management.
- I'm urging NZTA to ensure works are accelerated and completed (safely) as quickly as possible.
- I've continued to urge NZTA to change the traffic management plan and the contract to allow this, and to open the bridge to two-way traffic after hours.
- I've visited the NZTA traffic operations centre to see how they manage traffic lights and traffic on and off the expressway. This is all part of looking for continuous improvements.
- I've successfully had NZTA add extra signage for local businesses.
We have had some small wins, like better signage to businesses like Juli Hunter, and even yesterday when I called to tell them how bad traffic was on Te Moana Rd and the Expressway, they finally found the fault in the sensors which contributed to this.
I will keep working hard to improve things. Ultimately I'm an advocate, not an autocrat, so I can't direct them to do anything, but I'm committed to getting the bridge work complete faster, and with better traffic management plans in the meantime.
I had a great time in Waitangi celebrating our National Day. I was struck by places like Rangihou (Marsden's Cross) and how modern New Zealand was birthed through relationship. That is the story of our past and the key to our future. I have so much belief in a strong united future and I'll be putting my attention into things that bring us together, not drive us apart. You can see more of this and some video from Waitangi here.
Meet with me in the community
Until the Parliamentary Services team can open local offices (they have to setup around 80 offices so there's a queue!) I'm still holding meetings in the community. Feel free to pop along and say hi at any of these, or you can contact me via email - [email protected] is the best one!
Seniors' Morning Tea
I'm holding a special morning tea for seniors (over 60s) with my good friend and colleague Dan Bidois, MP for Northcote. Dan is in his second term as MP and has a lot to share, and I'll take questions on anything local. Please join us.
- Friday March 22nd
- 10.30am
- Manakau Community Hall
- $10 (to cover costs).
You do need to RSVP for catering please. Email Lorraine if you'd like to join us - I really hope you can.
100 Day Plan
We're working our way through our 100 Day plan. You can read all the details here. Before Christmas we focused on the economy with things like getting the Reserve Bank back on a single mandate to cut inflation. We've repealed Labour's awful RMA re-write, and brought back 90 day trials. As we continue in Parliament over the next four weeks we'll be focussed on completing the 100-day plan. I'm particularly involved with bills like introducing the Free Trade Agreement with the EU, and annual reviews of the Defence Force, MFAT, and the Department of Internal Affairs.
Fundraising Events
If you're a golfer, we have a fundraising golf day in Ōtaki on Wednesday March 13th. Details are below. If you're keen to get a bit more involved we have a range of fundraising dinners and other events, normally with visiting MPs, and I'm very happy to send you details. For the golf, 027 302 1030 or [email protected].
Join us
Finally, I'm looking for some new people to join my team locally, and become members of the local National team. It doesn't commit you to anything, but it means we have a strong group of people who can help shape what we do and what we think locally. We have social events, and you get the chance to engage with visiting MPs. I'm really keen to grow our numbers this year. It's not about money (only costs $5), it's about getting a team of people who care about this region. Will you please join me? You can do it online here or send me back an email and we'll get directly in touch.
Why I'm Here
Just for one last time, below is a copy of my maiden speech if you missed it (click on the picture).
Enjoy the rest of your summer and I hope to see you around our region soon.