National will scrap Ute Tax in first 100 days

A National government will scrap Labour’s Ute Tax and Clean Car Discount Scheme by 31 December 2023, National’s Transport spokesperson Simeon Brown says.

“Labour’s unnecessary, regressive, and fiscally irresponsible Ute Tax and Clean Car Discount Scheme will be scrapped as part of National’s first 100 days, giving hardworking New Zealanders an assurance they will be able to purchase the vehicles they need without being unfairly punished.

“New data shows that between July 2021 and September 2023, over $500 million was paid out in rebates on new electric vehicles at the expense of hardworking farmers, tradies and taxpayers who have been bearing the brunt of these subsidies.

“It’s clear that Labour’s Ute Tax and Clean Car Discount is a reverse-Robin Hood scheme, taxing hardworking Kiwis for the vehicles they need to subsidise other people to buy new cars.

“National does not believe New Zealanders who can afford to buy a brand-new electric car need a subsidy from hardworking taxpayers to pay for it.

“Labour said the Ute Tax would pay for the Clean Car Discount Scheme however Labour’s figures were wrong and the scheme has cost the government an additional $281 million.

“This is a poor use of public money, and the Ministry of Transport has said the subsidy scheme is fiscally unsustainable.

“National will scrap the Ute Tax and Clean Car Discount Scheme by New Year's and will invest $257 million over four years to deliver a network of 10,000 public EV chargers by 2030, nearly ten times more than the current number of public EV chargers.

“National will allow our farmers and tradies to grow the economy by purchasing the vehicles they need without being unfairly punished.

“National will also retain the Clean Car Importer Standard to ensure New Zealand continues to receive the supply of low and zero emissions vehicles which are being manufactured globally. 

“National will rebuild the economy and get it working for Kiwis so we can all get ahead and bring down the cost of living. A stronger economy means tackling the cost-of-living crisis, higher incomes, lower mortgage rates, and it means New Zealand can afford the quality public services we all rely on.

“This election is going to be close. New Zealand cannot afford another three years of a high spending, high taxing Labour Government with the Greens and Te Pati Māori thrown in. The only way to guarantee a change of government is to party vote National.”