Labour allergic to real consequences

Despite the Prime Minister admitting the number of ram-raids has exploded under Labour, it is still refusing to impose real consequences for serious young offenders, National’s Justice spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says.

“Instead of boot camps as National has proposed, it’s playtime for ram raiders. What Labour did not say is whether KFC will be provided.

“Labour seems to believe that picking up litter is a sufficient consequence for people who have committed repeat ram-raids.

“Instead of cleaning up the destruction they have caused, we need consequences that deter ram-raiders from destroying livelihoods and terrorising communities.

“The only part of today’s announcement that would increase consequences was copied and pasted from National’s plan to restore law and order. We welcome Labour adopting our policy to make filming and publishing a ram raid an aggravating factor at sentencing.

“Beyond National’s policy, Labour’s announcement was window dressing designed to make it look like it actually cares about reducing youth crime.

“For years Labour have told us youth crime is not really a problem and National was scaremongering. Now Kiwis are expected to believe tackling crime is a priority for Labour yet they will not even enact their announced changes until after the election because they have not done the background work.

“While Labour cobbles together policy, National has a plan to ensure there are real consequences for crime.

“National will limit sentence reductions, introduce a young serious offender category, boot camps and grant Police new powers to disrupt gang activities. Restoring law and order will be a top priority for a National government.”