Labour failing to deliver jobs

News today there are almost 70,000 more people on Jobseeker compared to when Labour came to office clearly shows the Government has failed to deliver the jobs plan the Prime Minister promised New Zealanders, National’s Social Development and Employment spokesperson Louise Upston says.

News today there are almost 70,000 more people on Jobseeker compared to when Labour came to office clearly shows the Government has failed to deliver the jobs plan the Prime Minister promised New Zealanders, National’s Social Development and Employment spokesperson Louise Upston says.

“When in Opposition, Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern lectured the then National Government when 29,000 more people were on an unemployment benefit after the Global Financial Crisis.

“Today’s figure represents a 57 per cent increase in the number of New Zealanders who have been left behind by Labour to languish on a benefit.     

“Billions of dollars have been poured into initiatives the Government claimed would rapidly save and create jobs. A year has passed now, plenty of time for these initiatives to get off the ground, but the jobs Kiwis are desperate for just aren’t there.

“This inability to deliver shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Prime Minister and Finance Minister promised their shovel-ready projects would create more than 20,000 jobs. Instead, the real number of jobs delivered is closer to half of that.

“Labour claimed its jobs plan would benefit those historically disadvantaged in the labour market, such as young people, Māori and Pasifika. However those numbers on jobseeker have continued to climb.

Since Labour came to office there are:

  • Over 26,000 more Māori on Jobseeker
  • Over 16,000 more 18-24 year olds on Jobseeker
  • Over 8000 more Pasifika on Jobseeker

“By failing to deliver the jobs it promised, the Labour Government is hurting Kiwis and their families. While Labour’s jobs plan falters, the potential of hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders is being squandered.”