Our PlanEconomyTransport for the Future
Transport for the Future
Transport for the Future
Under the next National-led government, infrastructure will be a priority.
Our comprehensive transport programme will see significant investment made into key connections so Kiwis can get where they want to go faster and safer.
National’s nationwide Transport for the Future programme will cut congestion, provide more low emission transport options in support of our climate change goals, and create a more productive and resilient transport network that drives economic growth to boost incomes and unlock land for thousands of houses.
National has a strong track record of funding, consenting, and delivering major infrastructure projects such as the Auckland City Rail Link, the Waterview Tunnel, the Waikato Expressway, Transmission Gully, and the recently completed Puhoi to Warkworth motorway.
Transport for the Future includes:
1. Roads of National Significance
- Initial stages of National’s long-term vision of four lanes from Whangārei to Tauranga, driving growth in the upper North Island economic zone.
- Projects to tackle congestion and reduce travel times, including Mill Road in Auckland, a second Mt Victoria Tunnel in Wellington, the Hope Bypass in Tasman, and the Woodend Bypass north of Christchurch.
- Roads to unlock urban housing growth including Southern Links in Hamilton, Petone to Grenada and the Cross Valley Link in Wellington and the Hutt Valley, and the North West Alternative State Highway in Auckland.
2. Better Public Transport
- A rapid transit network for Auckland, with public transport corridors in the North West, Airport to Botany, and completion of the Eastern Busway.
- Improvements to increase capacity and reliability on Lower North Island train services for passengers and freight.
3. Rebuilding regions and improving resilience
- Priority projects to reconstruct transport infrastructure damaged during recent floods and Cyclone Gabrielle, enhancing long-term resilience in flood-affected regions.
- Upgrades to existing transport infrastructure in Ashburton, Queenstown, Otago, and Southland.
National recognises the crucial role of transport networks in enhancing our quality of life and unlocking New Zealand's economic potential. We also understand the importance of maintaining fiscal discipline and delivering value for every taxpayer dollar we invest. That’s why we are proposing a carefully sequenced, long-term programme of investments to deliver the infrastructure New Zealand needs within the fiscal constraints the country finds itself in.