What’s been happening locally?
Impact on historic church minimalised
Auckland Transport is thankfully now redesigning its proposed roundabout for Scott and Clark roads to ensure the below white fence remains the border at this fabulous 1875 church. Jason Midgley is Sexton and Chair of the Hobsonville Church & Settlers' Cemetery Preservation Society, with many of his family buried at the historic site. He and other volunteers do a terrific job safeguarding this local treasure. We were happy to lend our support.

New Hobsonville Point jetty
It was great news when Kāinga Ora recently announced that they had received the Certificate of Public Use to open the new jetty for the public to use and enjoy.
Earlier, I convened a very constructive meeting of key stakeholders, including KO, in my office with one of the key outcomes being that Auckland Council representatives explore ways to prioritise the processing of the council certification to help bring forward the public opening of the new jetty and pontoon.
Thanks to local government elected members and staff, KO, Hobsonville Point advocates, and boat owners (who lost access with the closing of the old ramp) for their collective work, push, and patience. Catalina Bay now has a fabulous new community facility and water connection.

Celebrating Dragon Boat festival

The Dragon Boat Festival was celebrated in style on 10 June in Upper Harbour. Guest star Nancy Lu MP joined many from our Chinese community in my electorate office for a very special gathering. Thank you to Albert from W Restaurant and Sophie from Catalina Cafe for the delicious traditional feast and barista-made coffee!
Earlier, Nancy spoke to Upper Harbour locals at the Hobsonville Bowling Club who were most impressed with our newest List MP.

Early Childhood Education visits
For the past month I’ve been visiting various Early Childhood Education centres from Unsworth Heights on the North Shore to Massey in the West.
I enjoyed my visit to Real Kids Early Learning Centre in Hobsonville. It is world-class. Great to meet its founders and owners Chris and Tina Barlow. I also visited the team at Aspirations in West Harbour. From 1 July, many Upper Harbour parents can access Family Boost, making a real difference to ECE costs.
If a household earns up to $180,000, and has costs from a licensed ECE provider, they will be eligible to receive FamilyBoost up to a maximum of $975 every three months (this is the equivalent of $75 per week, paid in a three-monthly lump sum). For further information, email my office for a factsheet, or visit FamilyBoost (ird.govt.nz)

From the MP – Cameron Brewer
The Auckland regional fuel tax has gone – saving local motorists 11.5 cents per litre!
It has been a busy time in both Upper Harbour and in Parliament. I’m looking forward to spending more time in the electorate office and at home in July.
We’ve just finished another round of Urgency, passing much needed legislation until midnight in the House, including re-introducing a revised Three Strikes bill as one of our key law and order policies. Labour scrapped Three Strikes in 2022. We’re now bringing it back.
Given the strong mandate Kiwis gave us to crack down on crime, the Justice Select Committee, which I sit on, is incredibly busy. We’ve also been busy scrutinising Budget 2024, with all Ministers fronting up for questions.
Watching Ministers in action now for eight months, I can assure you, this Government is well served by Ministers from all three parties. They’re all incredibly motivated to change and build New Zealand for the better.
My team in my electorate office continues to serve our community and locals diligently and are always only too happy to help. The best way to get hold of us is at: upperharbouroffice@parliament.govt.nz
It’s amazing to think the shortest day has come and gone and we’re now rapidly moving into the second half of 2024. Scary, but we’re only 18 months away from election year!
Thank you for your ongoing support and love for our local area, city, and country. We’ve got a lot to fight for. It’s a very tough time economically, but there are some great years ahead of us. Thank you for keeping the faith.
Cameron Brewer | MP for Upper Harbour
P: (09) 416 3249 A: 102c Hobsonville Rd
Office Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm or by appointment
PS: Tax relief arrives from 31 July, with the average income household in Auckland set to be at least $2,085.00 better off annually. To find out how you’ll benefit, visit: www.budget.govt.nz/taxcalculator
Law and Order - Upper Harbour public meeting
Save the date for our law and order public meeting in Massey with Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister for Police and Corrections – Tuesday evening, 3 September 2024.