With our trees and parks, the Ilam electorate is a fantastic place to be in autumn. Two weeks of recess allowed me to get out working in the community to continue visiting schools and rest homes as well as groups like Victim Support and AgResearch, and to meet with the Police, Otautahi Community Housing Trust, and the Yarns Men. The mission of The Yarns Men (formerly Hope Upstream Charitable Trust) is to create opportunities for men to experience life through good conversation with the goal of reducing the number of suicides and improving mental health in our communities. www.yarnsmen.co.nz

I also held 11 Constituent Clinics, meeting with Ilam residents with concerns and requests. The office is busy, and we’ve welcomed a new staff member, Leanne, to join Liz to work with Ilam residents and groups. I’m keen to let people know where our office is, so we’re dropping leaflets in the area. There are bundles of leaflets still to go out and if you’re able to assist please collect them (with a map) from the office.
Many thanks to Dawn Aerospace for inviting MPs Tim Costley, Vanessa Weenink, and myself to visit. Dawn Aerospace provides and develops several technologies and is the leading supplier of turnkey, green-propulsion systems for various classes of satellites. The B20 thruster was first launched into space in January 2021. There are now 72 of these thrusters in orbit with a further 50 in the hands of customers awaiting launch, making it the fastest-growing green propulsion in the world.

Beyond their well-established commercial in-space propulsion, they continuously work on R&D programmes, and as a ‘tech-nerd’ I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Dawnaerospace.com
Tim Costley MP, myself, Vanessa Weenink MP and Stefan Powell CEO and co-founder
Tim Costley MP, myself, Vanessa Weenink MP and Stefan Powell CEO and co-founder
Last weekend we hosted the National Party Mainland Conference in the Ilam Electorate. There was a positive mood and the delegates enjoyed meeting up and engaging with policy, debates, and discussions.
I was delighted to host the Minister of Finance, Nicola Willis meeting a group of Christchurch Business people. She then attended a ‘Meet and Greet’ with many Ilam residents. The Minister will be delivering the Budget at 2pm on May 30th

I was honoured to pay my respects at the Dawn ANZAC service and lay the wreath on behalf of the Government, before attending the Civic Service in the Transitional Cathedral. Medbury School also invited me to their ANZAC service which I was pleased to attend.

We've completed our 100 Day Plan and now we've got 36 new actions to rebuild the economy, restore law and order, and improve public services. These will be completed before June 30.
Our 'Quarter Two Action Plan' commitments include:
- Delivering a budget that reduces wasteful spending while investing in frontline services.
- Delivering tax relief to hardworking New Zealanders.
- Setting targets for improving public services, like education and health.
- Launching an Attendance Action Plan to get kids back to school.
- Restoring Three Strikes to hold serious, repeat offenders to account.
- Establishing a Regional Infrastructure Fund to boost economic growth in our regions.
- Reforming the CCCFA regime to make it easier for homebuyers to access credit and introduce legislation to improve the rental market.
Much of the action plan is focused on rebuilding the economy including measures to increase investment in renewable electricity, and RMA reform to cut red-tape on farmers. It is only through a strong economy we can reduce the cost of living, lift incomes and afford the public services New Zealanders deserve.
Our May luncheon

Our June luncheon will not be held due to Matariki falling on the last Friday of the month.
The National Party in the Ilam electorate held their 2024 AGM and have new members on the executive. My sincere thanks to Ryan McEwan the outgoing Chair for his tireless support and work through the election campaign, along with other executive members standing down. A warm welcome to the new members joining the executive and the new Chair Katie Foote. Katie can be contacted on katie@grahamconsulting.co.nz.
Kind regards,
Office Address: Fendalton Village, 5/376 Ilam Road (cnr Ilam/Clyde Rds).
Phone: 03 3593665