
Ko Horouta te waka

Ko Waipaoa te awa

Ko Maungahaumi te maunga

Ko Te Aitanga-a-mahaki toku iwi

Ko Te Whanau-au-Taupara toku hapu

Ko Takipu te marae

Ko Turanganui-a-kiwa ahau

I’m incredibly proud to serve as the MP for East Coast. I was born and bred in and around Gisborne - attending Patutahi School. I enjoy looking after my vege garden, lots of walks and hanging out with my little mate Doggett the Jack Russell.

I come from a farming background and four generations of my family have lived in Tairāwhiti. Before entering politics, I worked in communications, as a journalist for the Gisborne Herald and CEO of Equestrian Sports New Zealand.

I love the East Coast, the best electorate in the country, and have an appreciation for the unique needs, challenges and opportunities our region has.

As your MP, I will be a strong voice for the East Coast, and as part of a Christopher Luxon-led National team, work hard to rebuild the economy, restore law and order and deliver better public services.


Constituent Clinics: 

I hold regular constituent clinics through the office and I am here to help you.

Contact myself or my staff to make an appointment or email me at [email protected]


Office Information:

Email: [email protected]

Whakatane Office
73 The Strand
07 307 1689
[email protected]

Gisborne Office
60 Ballance Street
[email protected]

I’ll work incredibly hard to elect a National Government that will deliver for all New Zealanders, and for the opportunity to represent the region where I was born and raised


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