Where’s the education urgency?

Re-opening schools today in Auckland and Waikato has been great for some, but too many are still missing out, National’s Education Spokesperson Paul Goldsmith said today.

Re-opening schools today in Auckland and Waikato has been great for some, but too many are still missing out, National’s Education Spokesperson Paul Goldsmith said today.

“The Minister’s admission that five Auckland schools have decided against any onsite learning for the remainder of 2021 demonstrates the Government’s plans are too loose.

“With just three or four weeks of school time left in 2021, many other schools have left it till next week to reopen.

“Many parents had been shocked to learn their kids will go back to school next week, but only for one or two days.

“The Ministry of Education’s programme to reverse our truancy crisis is called ‘every day matters’ however the Government appears to have missed this memo.

“Given the damage that missed school time causes, we would have expected the Government to act with more decisiveness and urgency.

“The consequence is kids learning progress and wellbeing continues to be harmed and more are at risk of dis-engaging from education entirely.

“Kids only get one shot at their school years. The Government’s complacency is robbing students of the full opportunities a great education can provide.

“At a bare minimum everyone should be back on-site every day for half days, to give our kids a chance of reengaging with their education before the long summer.”