Transmission blackspots will create emergency blackspots

The Government must explain exactly what it will do to sort out Transmission Gully’s transmission problems before the expressway opens, says National’s Transport spokesperson David Bennett.

The Government must explain exactly what it will do to sort out Transmission Gully’s transmission problems before the expressway opens, says National’s Transport spokesperson David Bennett.

“Transmission Gully is the most expensive roading project this Government is responsible for at the moment but Transport Minister Michael Wood clearly isn’t across crucial details.

“Serious communications issues for essential service providers and users of the road compromise the safety and security of everyone who will travel along the expressway.

“Why didn’t the Minister have a handle on this earlier? He must surely have been aware of this for some time.

“However, in the compensation agreement of 2020 the Minister did not require these services to be provided. In recent negotiations with contractors it wasn’t an issue for the him.

“Now, through the Minister’s stalling and lack of attention to critical detail, this crucial infrastructure is already lacking.

“What does Minister Wood propose to do, and will a proper solution be in place before Transmission Gully opens?

“Or is he happy to go ahead and have significant communications blackspots that will put road users in danger?

“It’s symptomatic of a Government that’s all talk and has no attention to detail.”