Second harbour crossing – do it once, do it right

When it comes to building a second harbour crossing, we should be doing it once and we should be doing it right, National’s Transport spokesperson Michael Woodhouse says.

When it comes to building a second harbour crossing, we should be doing it once and we should be doing it right, National’s Transport spokesperson Michael Woodhouse says.

“We should be thinking for the future and investing in a bridge that will support the needs of all Aucklanders in 20 or 30 years’ time, we should be thinking about more capacity for cars, freight and public transport.

“The Minister’s business case indicated that for $1-$2 billion a replacement bridge could be built, which should be done in a way to support cars, freight, cycling and walking.

“It’s unclear why Labour is opting for a piecemeal solution when we know the current bridge has serious structural issues.

“It’s clear Labour’s transport priorities are all wrong. If the second harbour crossing isn’t done properly then Aucklanders will be fighting gridlock for decades to come.

“National would be prioritising work on a second harbour crossing that could accommodate cars, freight, buses and trains. Because that is what Auckland will need in the future.

“Labour could do this now by ending its obsession with light rail down Dominion Rd, which could cost upwards of $10 billion, and spend this money on high-priority projects.

“Labour’s ideological obsession with cycleways and slow trams at the expense of important road and public transport projects is going to give Auckland a transport heart attack.”