Now isn’t the time to be making life harder for farmers

The Green Party’s agriculture policy is another slap in the face to Kiwi farmers at a time when we should be focused on growing our primary sector, National’s Agriculture spokesperson David Bennett says.

The Green Party’s agriculture policy is another slap in the face to Kiwi farmers at a time when we should be focused on growing our primary sector, National’s Agriculture spokesperson David Bennett says.

“Their nitrogen reduction limits are madness and would kill off dairying as we know it across the country.

“We are facing the worst economic downturn in 160 years and agriculture will lead our post-Covid recovery. With more than 220,000 people on unemployment benefits now is not the time to be putting the brakes on this still-functioning export industry.

“The Greens’ policy is yet another assault on Kiwi farmers after the Labour-led Government hit them with freshwater reforms that, in some cases, are unworkable and will shackle their ability to innovate while piling costs on to a sector that is vitally important to our country.

“National supports having cleaner waterways in New Zealand but we think there are smarter ways to achieve this. We have to back farmers to farm their way to better outcomes. They must see a pathway to improve while being profitable.

“Unlike Labour, National will work with farmers rather than against them.”