More holes in the resurgence plan

It is becoming increasingly clear that Labour’s ‘resurgence plan’ completely failed to prepare for regional lockdown, National’s COVID-19 Border Response spokesperson Gerry Brownlee says.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Labour’s ‘resurgence plan’ completely failed to prepare for regional lockdown, National’s COVID-19 Border Response spokesperson Gerry Brownlee says.

As of 3.00am this morning people trying to cross the Auckland border have been turned around and forced to get a new exemption letter, because the previous exemption letters being granted didn’t require any identification from those using it.

“This shows a complete absence of planning from Labour. The Prime Minister has bragged about a ‘resurgence plan’ that has been activated but we are seeing little evidence of it.

“Many people are still waiting for their existing exemption applications to be processed, while those who have already received one are now being forced to apply again.

“Auckland has been in lockdown for nine days and Labour still can’t sort it out. These businesses can’t afford to keep waiting for Labour to get it together.

“This constant mismanagement is costing people jobs, businesses and livelihoods.

“National has developed a detailed border plan that will keep the virus at bay while allowing our economy to thrive. New Zealanders deserve this rather than the ad-hoc system that is currently in place.”

You can see National's full Border Policy here